Make the task of cleaning the garage easier by starting with a safe, secure environment that includes the tools you’ll need to clean and organize. Start your garage cleaning checklist with garage door repair or replacement. Securing what you store inside the garage tops the list of priorities.

Gather Cleaning and Organizing Tools
Gather your cleaning and organizing tools, such as reinforced trash bags, organizer bins with lids, and a rented dumpster or POD if our garage holds a lot of junk. Next on the list of garage cleaning tips you’ll find shelving, cement for patching cracks, and degreaser. Having everything at your fingertips ensures you save time while cleaning.
The Cleaning Process
Once you remove the trash from your garage, sort the odds and ends into the bins. Toss what you won’t keep in the dumpster. Deep clean garage walls, the floor, and the ceiling pay close attention to removing cobwebs and wasp’s nests. Assess needed repairs, such as patching the floor’s cracks with cement. Coat the floor with epoxy or another sealant to beautify it and add to its durability.

Finding the Motivation to Get Started

Cleaning out a shed or garage can seem pretty daunting. It’s easy to come up with excuses as to why you don’t have time to do it. Your cat is sick. You have to take the kids to soccer practice. You have to wash your hair. The point is, the space is not going to clean itself, and the only person who is actually going to do it is you. Here is a short, step by step guide to cleaning garages and sheds that will help you get the project done in no time.
1. Evaluate What You Need
The first step in cleaning sheds and garages is to take stock of exactly what’s in it and whether or not it needs to be kept. Make three piles for things: one pile to donate, one to keep, and one to throw away. Be honest with yourself about where things belong. If you’re not going to use that pogo stick or you aren’t going to get around to fixing that snow blower, get rid of it.
2. Clean and Repair
After you’ve gotten rid of all the trash, donated all of the things you don’t want or need, and have cleared out the space, it’s time to give everything a good once over. Clean all of the walls, ceiling, and corners where spiders may have made a home. If there are any holes of scrapes in the walls, plaster them and put up a new layer of paint to freshen things up.
3. Find Everything a Home
After the space is emptied, cleaned, and repaired, it’s time to start organizing things. Group together like items and store them together. If need be, put up shelving, hooks, and braces to maximize space rather than trying to stuff things back in. This way, the space will be less cluttered and will be easier to keep organized.
Do you have any organizational tips for sheds and garages? Feel free to let us know in the comments. Visit here for more information.