The average American house has 5.3 rooms in it. If your house is anything like mine, that .3 is deceptively labeled as a “bedroom”. With the rest of the house being taken up by kitchen, bath, living room and master bedroom, where are the kids going to go? That is where twin bunk beds come into play.
Bunk beds are a great way to give your kids their own sleeping space while utilizing as much space as possible in an otherwise tiny room. And they should be a part of any childhood when forced to share a room with a sibling. The old rivalry of who gets top bunk will always come into play. They will get hours of entertainment climbing up and down the ladder, throwing toys at each other from above and below, and making forts with the top bunk and a big blanket.
Depending upon space, you have plenty of options for what kind of bunk bed you want to get. There are metal, plastic, or wooden bunk beds. You can always get the standard twin over twin bunks. But if there is enough room, and the kids are getting bigger, you can opt for twin over full bunk beds or even full over full bunk beds. The thing to remember about full over full bunk beds is that they are massive. In fact, there may be some full over full bunk beds out there that are bigger than that .3 bedroom that we discussed earlier.
Bunk beds are incredibly versatile as well, so you need not worry about them becoming obsolete later on in life. Once one of the kids goes away to college, the bottom mattress can always go into storage, and it is very common for a desk to be put under the top bunk in order to make a little study nook. And if you move and there is then enough room for each kid to have their own room, almost all bunk beds will come apart, allowing for the beds to work independently of one another as well.
Rather than cram the kids into one room and make them share a bed, make them the envy of the rest of the school and give them a bunk bed. They may complain at first, but they will soon realize just how cool a bunk bed actually is. Then you become a cool mom because you got them the bunk beds, and you also get to conserve space. Oh yeah, and a bunk bed set up is often much cheaper than two regular beds. So you save some money too. Read more.
cute. it reminds me of growing up and my sister and i had to have bunk beds. we did not even want to share a room, but if we had to, at least we got bunk beds out of it.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.
top or bottom bunk? i was always on top, because i was older and that was the cool thing. but now that i think about it, i think i would prefer to sleep on the bottom bunk. climbing is such a hassle.