Every year, consumers across both the globe and the United States will engage in the act of buying gifts for someone that they are close with. These gifts can be bought and given to others for a number of different occasions. Some of these occasions include birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.
The type of gift that is bought and given to people will depend on a few different factors that include the occasion and the person that you are buying a gift for. For instance, you would not buy someone you have a platonic relationship with flowers because normally flowers are used for people you have a loving relationship with. Likewise, if you are getting your partner a gift for your anniversary, you will get them something nice and not something trivial.
If you have an anniversary coming up or a special holiday like mothers day is coming around the corner you should look into flowers. Here is what you need to know about buying roses for someone you love.
Every year, Mother’s Day will account for 25% of all floral purchases made for the holidays. Also, 35% of all adults bought flowers or plants as a gift for their mothers on Mother’s Day in the year of 2015. Often, the flowers purchased by these adults for Mothers Day are normally roses because they are the most popular type of flower.
The season of Christmas and Hanukkah is the number one holiday season in terms of floral purchases. 30% of all adults that buy flowers or plants such as roses as gifts for the holiday season. 66% of all people celebrating Mother’s Day will buy their mom flowers which equates to $2.4 billion as of the year 2016. For the average wedding budget, 7 to 8% of the budget will go towards buying flowers such as roses.
60% of all wedding parties will involve a flower girl and very often these flower girls will be carrying roses. Anniversary flowers are normally roses and they are often the best selling flowers. The annual spending on roses in the United States equates to $26,600,000,000. 63% of all roses are often purchased for oneself, whereas 37% are bought for someone else.
Flower arrangements have been around since as early as 2500 B.C. which means that there is a long-running history in the United States of gifting flowers. About 15% of all American women will end up giving themselves flowers on February 14th.
Know that men like to get flowers for Valentine’s too. As a matter of fact, 36% of all women purchase Valentine flowers for their spouse.
In Conclusion
Flowers such as roses and tulips are incredibly popular around the time of the holiday season and whenever there is an important anniversary date. If you are not an original gift giver that is okay, not everyone can go out and understand what someone else wants and they can capitalize on these ideas. Instead, you should realize that it is easy to fall back on simply buying some fresh flowers for someone you love.