Valerie Felicity Frizzle, often called Ms. Friz, made many appearances on Earth Day. In fact, at the March for Science locations around the country, Ms. Friz was one of the most popular visitors. For the generation of students who remember her as the eccentric Walkerville Elementary School third grade teacher, she was the science teacher who used a variety of unusual magic devices to teach many concepts. From educating children about the need for cleaner water to teaching students about the solar system, Ms. Friz and her Magic School Bus are a common memory for many.
In a time when many Americans fear that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is being dismantled by the new Presidential administration, it may come as no surprise that many Americans are using every resource they have, including Ms. Frizzle, to remind people of the importance of striving for cleaner water and other environmental protections.
Having access to cleaner water is a growing concern in many parts of the country as aging city water systems fail and cause an increasing number of problems. Familiar with the Flint, Michigan, water crisis many cities are working to avoid these same problems, but simply wanting to avoid a problem is not always enough. In fact, many cities lack the budget to make the repairs and upgrades that they need, and as a result, environmentalists predict that many communities will soon be dealing with the same dangerous situations that Flint, Michigan, residents are battling. In an effort to look out for their own family’s best interests, many individual home owner’s look toward personal water filtration systems to improve the quality of drinking water. With residential water systems, home owners are able to play a larger role in providing cleaner water to their families.
- Kids are the most susceptible to dangerous water conditions like the lead in many Flint, Michigan, homes. Studies indicate that lead exposure is especially dangerous to young children and their learning abilities.
- Estimates indicate that the average household uses as much as 350 gallons of water every single day.
- Every time that you drink tap water you risk exposing yourself to harmful chemicals that may have made their way into your water source. Some studies indicate that 500,000 tons of pollutants pour into lakes and rivers each day in the U.S. alone. Many of these sources eventually serve the water that many people drink.
- People who fear that the water they have in their home is still not safe, like the thousands of people in Flint, Michigan, often turn to bottled water as an alternative. In fact, Americans spend $1.22 per gallon on bottled water every year. Given that tap water costs less than a penny a gallon on average, bottled water costs Americans 300 times more than tap water. Many families see a water filtration system as a better investment.
- In America 48 million people receive drinking water from private or household wells. These wells can be negatively affected by pesticides and other pollutants.
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- Chronic dehydration has been called ?the hidden epidemic? and as many as 75% of all North Americans are chronically dehydrated.
- Life coaches and athletic trainers alike talk to their clients about the importance of staying hydrated. One advantage is that new studies indicate that getting in the habit of drinking 16 ounces before meals leads to more weight loss.
- Every person is made up of nearly two-thirds of water, and this all important fluid influences 100% of the processes in the body.
- A study on the effects of water on headaches indicated that participants experienced ?total relief? from their headaches within 30 minutes of drinking an average of two cups of water.
- Never take for granted that the water you drink is safe. In many cases a home water filtration system can help you improve the quality of the water that your family uses for both drinking and cooking.
oday’s estimates indicate that 40% of Americans use a home water treatment unit, according to the Water Quality Association.
Few things are more important than having access to clean water. Our children learn this at a young age from educational characters like Ms. Frizzle and they continue to learn of the importance of clean water as the nation struggles to monitor the latest EPA standards.