There are two types of people in the United States, there are those who buy and those who rent. This sense of philosophy can be blanketed across all aspects of consumerism for modern day American citizens who live in the structure of capitalism. Whether it be financing the purchase of a car or leasing a car, or renting furniture or a carpet cleaner to buying either item and even into buying a house or renting an apartment or a condominium.
Understand that while many believe the right thing to do is to buy, there are still a good number of people that prefer to rent. As a matter of fact, every year about 33% of renters move to a new location. Add this to the fact that 25% of all Americans move every five years per a survey conducted by Gallup.
The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard has data that projects an upwards of 4 million new renters during the next ten years. So if you want to rent yourself luxury condos, a townhouse, or a luxury apartment you are not alone. Here is some important information you should know about renting a condominium.
Know What You Want
I am not going to crazy with direct advice because I am no real estate agent, so bear with me being general for a bit here. When you look to rent a condominium or any other type of real estate you should understand what you want from this condominium. This includes the type of people you want to live by and even the area you want to live in. Do you want swimming pools, a playground, or maybe even walking trails?
Out of all rental residents, about 25% consider themselves to be renters by choice. This means that they want to live in an apartment or condominium as opposed to just buying a house to live in. This can be for many reasons, one of them includes the ability to budget money. In that same survey over 50% of all people involved believe that renting is a much better choice than buying because they do not stress about their budget as much as they normally would.
Some people want to live in secluded areas when they rent a condominium, some people want to be connected. A survey was conducted in 2015 in which 53% of those involved said they made sure to test out the connection of their mobile devices while touring an apartment. 98% stated that they think having good reception is vital for a condominium and 68% are quite pleased with the coverage where they live now.
Also, think about the facilities on the property you wish to rent. This can include bathrooms, kitchens, and even areas like pools and fitness centers. The Apartment Guide conducted a survey involving what property managers believe to be some of the most desired aspects of a renting property for renters. About 60% stated they believe that fitness centers and pools are one of the top three most desired aspects of a rental property.
Pick A Place That Feels Right
This aspect of advice is self-explanatory so let’s keep things short and sweet. 42.58 million housing units are currently used by renters in the United States. There are a lot of renters and there is a lot of property to be rented. Get the right space for you and whoever else you want to live with, there is no need to rush. About 75% of all renters own pets, if you are in the majority get a spot that is friendly to your pet. It is quite simple.
In Conclusion
There are no short cuts when you want to rent a space like a condominium. The process of finding and renting the right place is not easy but the feeling you will have when you finish is very much worth it. If you need help from an expert then seek it out, it will help you out in the long run.