Planning an event, be it formal or casual, can be stressful and expensive (and stressful because it’s expensive). It’s important to budget carefully, and renting items for your party or event (for example, a linen rental) can help to cut down on both stress and the final cost of your event. Many things can be rented, from a linen rental to a tent rental, objects both big and small. Because planning a party often includes organizing hundreds if not thousands of details, many rental companies will include the option to rent multiple items at once.
Rental items can help you to take advantage of space that you already have. For example, renting tables and chairs – arguably the most important items that you can rent, as they are necessary for almost any gathering, from a baby shower to a birthday party to a wedding – can transform as space as simple as your backyard into the perfect event. A linen rental can make the event into a fancy one, as table linen rentals are often very high quality and elegant and something as simple as an elegant table runner can add considerably to the decor of your event.
You can rent items for almost any event. One popular event to rent items for is, of course, a wedding. Wedding party rentals are so popular in part because weddings take so much and are so expensive to plan – all for one day. Wedding planning is nothing if not a stressful process, and wedding rental equipment can help brides to better budget and relax in preparation for their big day. Wedding rentals save the soon to be wed couple the cost of needing to purchase so many items for just a few hours, and almost everything you need can be rented, from wedding decorations to tent accessories.
Another popular event to rent items for is a bar or bat mitvah, an industry that has become more elaborate and expensive as the years pass. A bar or bat mitvah can cost up to an astounding $30,000 just for one party, but renting party supplies can help to budget in a more cost effective way. The same is true of sweet sixteen parties, for which the parents and family members can spend up to $25,000. Even something as simple as a linen rental or white folding rental chairs can help to reduce the overall cost while still giving the birthday child as special a day as possible.
Rental items for events, gatherings, and parties can be hugely helpful in the planning and budgeting of said events, reducing stress and overall dollar amount considerably. However, it is of course important that the rental company chosen is experienced in the rental business and has a good track record.