Do you have extra clothing in your closet? Are there garments that your children or other family members haven’t worn in years? If so, you may want to consider donating clothing to charity in order to get rid of it. Why give your used clothing donations to charities? Charity organizations often work toward helping families in need with these donations, and they also recycle clothing in order to divert it from landfills. There are several benefits to donating your old clothing to charity. If you’re just getting started, take a look at these three reasons why charity clothing donations can help everyone.
1. It benefits you. If you’ve ever had a spring cleaning project that took up too much of your time, you know how crucial it is to get the house spick and span. Taking your family’s used clothing to a drop off point, thrift store, or other group can get it out of your closets and to someone who could use it. By keeping your home tidier by getting rid of what you don’t need, it can make it easier to find the things that you are looking for.
2. It helps other people. When you give charity clothing donations, the clothing itself or the money that thrift stores and recycling companies receive for it goes to help individuals in need. Many times the clothing donated helps to clothe those who are homeless or low-income families. The profits donated to charities go toward helping other people, and sometimes that even means employment for some with the charity, meaning that your donations have a profound impact on the quality of life for others.
3. It can save the entire planet. Our clothing tends to be treated as disposable, which is why as much as 12 to 13 million tons of it wind up in landfills. When you give charity clothing donations instead of throwing garments away, you help the planet by diverting this waste from becoming a land pollutant. Clothing is one of the easiest materials to recycle, so cleaning out your closet for donations does the planet a huge favor! And less pollution means good things for us all.
Want more advice on donating clothing to charity? Be sure to leave us a comment for more advice on how you can help. Research more like this: www.gogreendrop.com