Better Test Scores, More Involved Teachers The Difference Private School Makes For Your Child

What do you remember most from your schooling experience?

It might be the teachers that left the biggest impact, particularly those that took extra time to walk you through an assignment or make you feel special. It could also be the friends you made along the way. When you sign up your child for a private preschool, you provide them the means of receiving all these benefits. A proper education shouldn’t only focus on numbers or test scores. Your child’s future is a dynamic one — full of promise — and an equally dynamic education is the only way to approach it.

What are the advantages of attending private schools? Start your child’s journey to a better education by reading below.

Devoted Teachers Leave A Lasting Impact On Your Child

All children want to feel loved and accepted. This is especially prudent in the educational space, in which they’ll spend much of their time interacting with teachers of varying disciplines. An interesting study revealed student apathy to be a significant problem in public schools, with 20% of public school teachers reporting it as a major barrier. Compare this to the responses from private school teachers, which was closer to 5%. Teachers who are passionate about their work — and share that passion with your child — will leave an impact that will never fade.

Psychology Studies Stress The Importance Of Early Education

The sooner, the better! Psychology is an ever growing field, but one major constant is the benefits of early education on the young mind. Studies have shown children who start their education in preschool are more likely to graduate and attend a top college. A private preschool may seem like a dramatic option, but it’s a great way to ease your children into this education model early. Back in 2015 over 85% of five year-olds in the United States were enrolled in a preprimary program.

Supplementary Experiences Create A Well-Rounded Childhood

What else can truly bring out your child’s hidden potential? The benefits of prep schools are higher test scores, more involved teachers, and plenty of supplementary options. The advantages of private schools extend to enriching summer camps designed to get your child out in the world and loving every minute of it. They’ll make new friends, play sports, and practice their art skills under the close eye of their teachers. This can even be extended to an art high school later on.

High Test Scores Will Increase Your Child’s Chances Of Attending College

It’s understandable to be concerned about test scores. College is an expensive institution and one that is usually eased with impressive grades. Fortunately, the private preschool is a gift that keeps on giving. It’s been found the national average private school SAT score has remained at 1235 (compared to the national average for public schools, which is closer to 1060). Combine those test scores with college prep classes and you have a recipe for future success.

Your New Private Preschool Is Brimming With Several Benefits

The best preschools in Miami are eager to bring out your child’s best. Should this be your first time considering a private school model, just reach out to your school of choice and ask for a tour. A teacher or dean will walk you through the campus and provide you an overview of what they have to offer. They will inform you of not just the private preschool design, but the best day schools and high schools. Recent studies have shown counselors at private schools state they spend around 55% of their time on college-related counseling.

You want your child to walk away with happy memories. Give them the benefits of prep schools now so they can enjoy financial and emotional security in the future.