Ho, ho, ho! Before you know it, the temperature will be dropping, snow will begin to fall, and the holiday season will be just around the corner. December usually sneaks up on everybody, so it’s important to start figuring out how you are going to help give less fortunate members of your community the holiday experience they deserve.
With all of the amazing charities that accept charitable donations, including organizations who will even pick up clothing donations, there is no excuse to not be donating your gently used goods before the holidays. The average person generates about 1.5 tons of solid waste per year, so there’s a good chance you have a bunch of stuff that has been piling up since last holiday season. Consider these three great benefits of donating and find out how you can get involved:
Your neighbors need your help. When you donate to local charities, you’re not just donating to some phantom cause. You’re donating to a person. You’re donating to an entire family. In 2013 alone, over 13 million people had their identities stolen, and that number increases by the day. Times are tougher than ever for many in your community, and some of the people who benefit from your donations are probably families that you know personally.
Save the environment. As previously stated, the amount of waste produced by people each year is mind-boggling. The amount of clothing thrown away that could have easily been recycled is just as surprising. For example, in 2011, about 90% of all textile waste could have easily been recycled and reused. You’re giving back to your community in more ways than one when you make the generous decision to donate your clothing instead of throwing it away.
Donating is easier than ever. With the growing number of charities willing to pick up clothing donations directly from your home, there is no excuse not to donate this holiday season. All you have to do is gather your donations, place them on the front porch, and a representative from a local organization will pick them up directly from your home, free of charge. There’s really no good reason not to donate.
With the rise of charities who will pick up clothing donations, there is more hope for the less fortunate this upcoming holiday season. However, they are always in need of more support, and your donations make all the difference in the world. Make an effort to give back before the holiday season and spread some cheer to those who really need it.