If you have questions about the various private schools in your area and what option you have to choose from for the new school year, your best bet is to talk to the local school board to learn more. They can answer your questions and help you find the right school for your children, whether that is a regular private school or a fancy prep school or some other option you might not even be aware of. These education experts can also answer the common questions you likely have, including the following:
How much does private school cost per year? Estimating costs can be a little tricky as each school can set their own fees and rates, so it is best to take to several schools and see what options are available. How much does public school cost per child? Many schools offer discounts and other savings when more than one child is enrolled so if you have multiple children, that might be something to consider.
How much is a private school per year for military families? Some, but not all, private schools also extend discounts to military families, so it is important to let them know of any military family members.

If you’re a parent, chances are you started to wrestle with the all important question of public vs. private schools. We understand that not everyone is financially able to send their children to private schools, and fortunately, the U.S. boasts fairly serviceable public options. That being said, we believe there are significant benefits to sending your children to private school, and we are not alone. Private schools serve more than 5 million children country wide and make up 10% of the grade school student body. If you have the means, consider the three boons of private schools detailed below:
1. More Individualized Attention
It is well known that the more individualized attention a child gets at school, the better their learning experience. While only 10% of public schools have a student to teacher ration at or below ten to one, fully one third of private schools boast this ratio or better.
2. More Personalized
Whereas public schools are often constrained by state guidelines and core curriculums, private schools, private preschools, and private summer camp outfits rely less on public money and are thus free to explore experimental curriculum or religious affiliation. If you believe strongly that God should have a place in your child’s day to day education or feel that your child would benefit from more specialized instruction, private is the way to go for sure.
3. Timing More Convenient
If you have a job that conflicts directly with the public school schedule, private school might be a great option for your children. Let’s face it, there are many benefits of preschool, summer camp, extra-curriculars, etc, but one of the main benefits is child care for a huge chunk of the day. Some private schools might even offer classes during the summer which could help you balance work and children more efficiently as well as get your child ahead of the curve. Hitting the books for part of the summer is a lot better for the memory than doing one’s best to forget what you learned all year for eight weeks!
Please comment with your thoughts about private vs. public. Or, if you have any recommendations (or warnings) about private schools in your area, shed some light on the subject!