Come the holiday season and the end of the fiscal year, many people ask the question, “What are the best charities to donate to?” They may do some research into the top charity organizations around the country or ask friends for recommendations. This is largely out of the concern of having their donations used “right” for helping families in need or others as much as possible.
The truth here, though, is that the best charities to donate to are any charities you find have a need. In other words, if you know of a local group that is looking for donations for children or a group that focuses on helping disabled veterans, then those are the best charities to donate to. Helping people at the local level is often the best choice for those who want to donate clothes, household items, appliances, furniture, electronics, and more.
Yet thinking locally isn’t the only thing that donors should do, no matter what they happen to be giving. It’s also crucial to consider how donating, rather than sending used items to the landfill, can have a positive impact on the planet.
Take, for example, used clothing donations. Many people don’t even realize the value of charitable donations such as these, thinking that they can just send old items to the trash instead. As a result, this can add about 12 to 13 million tons of clothing and textiles to the dump each year in the U.S. when, in fact, those items are recyclable 95% of the time. Fortunately, however, Americans donate around 14.3 million tons of clothing each year, which is then distributed both locally and around the globe.
Don’t worry so much about finding the best charity to give to if you’re looking to donate. Make sure that you understand that any donations, whether to local advocacy groups or green charities that recycle, has a profound impact on the Earth.