What does your family do when they need to get away from the busy schedules of school, sports and careers? Have you ever noticed that unless you completely remove yourself from your commitments, they manage to creep their way into the time you planned to spend away? It’s not surprising, really. Successful parents and children are people who take their commitments seriously and it is often difficult to separate yourself from the practices, the deadlines, the homework, and the responsibilities.
As successful and reliable as you are though, it means less when you can not find the time to stay connected with each other. A vacation away from your commitments can mean the opportunity to reconnect, reenergize and resume the enjoyment of being together.
One vacation opportunity that will really allow your family to leave commitments and deadlines behind might be to the open space of the midwest or the beauty of the mountains. Agricultural and environmental experiences can take you out of the city and into nature. Whether you visit one of many hunting ranches in Wyoming or a cattle ranch in Montana, you can provide your family with an outdoor experience they will remember for a lifetime.
Maybe you have barely paused to read the “cattle ranch for sale” listing in the Sunday paper, but there is a reason that land in the states of Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, California and New Mexico is often listed in the newspapers of crowded cities of the east coast. Those who live in open space on a daily basis know that the opportunity to connect with nature can be both relaxing and profitable. A Montana ranch for sale or a Texas cattle ranch for sale might mainly attract local buyers, but increasingly these properties are finding buyers across the nation.
Ninety-seven percent of American farms are family farms and the average size of a U.S. farm is approximately 450 acres. While many think of the midwest when it comes to farming, actually one third of the nation’s food is grown in the Central Valley of California. All of these farming opportunities provide not only a unique living and vacationing experience, but an investment opportunity as well. That cattle ranch for sale in Nebraska could teach your children the value of growing their own food and that exercise doesn’t have to come from a paid membership at an expensive gym.
The next time your family is looking to get away, consider the possibility of an agricultural or environmental experience that can provide health, happiness and memories for a lifetime.