One of the easiest ways to add usable interior space to a property is to buy a shed or garage. Sheds and garages are often used to store large bulky items that homeowners do not want in the house or for extra recreational space. The most common type of shed is a garden shed, which is typically used to house gardening equipment, like mulch and topsoil, tools, seeds, and trimming equipment. If you’re in the market for a garden shed, here are three things you need to ask yourself before buying.
1. What am I going to store in the shed?
The first thing you need to think about is what you’re going to store in the shed. This means everything. All of the plants and seeds, tools, and maintenance equipment. This is going to dictate the size and dimensions of the shed, since you’ll need just the right amount of space to house the equipment without taking up unnecessary yard space.
2. What type of weather will it protect against?
The second thing you need to think about before buying a garden shed is what type of weather the shed is going to be protecting your gardening supplies from which, of course, depends on where you live. There are three main types of materials that sheds are made from: metal, plastic, and wood. If you live in an area that experiences a lot of snow, wind, or both, a cheap garden sheds probably aren’t going to cut it. Choose a material that will endure.
3. What kind of foundation will I need?
The last most important thing you need to think about when you’re buying a garden shed is what kind of foundation you’re going to need. Since sheds need to be permanent structures, you can’t really go around throwing them up willy nilly. Cheap garden sheds probably won’t need much, but other, bigger sheds should have some sort of concrete slab.
Do you have any tips for buying a garden shed? Feel free to share them with us in the comments section. Get more on this here.