If you’re looking for room accouterments that are not only beautiful but are also timeless and rich with culture and history, then Persian oriental rugs are definitely for you. In fact, the history of oriental rugs along is enough to make anyone want one for their home.
By definition, oriental rugs are rugs made with specific hand knotting techniques within the continent of Asia. The first recorded existence of Persian oriental rugs dates all the way back to the Sassanid Period in China, which was from 221 to 641 CE. The rugs appeared in texts and soonafter, began materializing in villages all over Asia.
No two oriental rugs are alike. In fact, each oriental rug has a unique knot pattern and color scheme specific to the village or region that it came from. This is also how they earn their namesake. When searching for an oriental rug, oriental rug dealers should be able to tell you the name and specific origin of the oriental rugs for sale at their store.
Oriental rugs are made with wool and silk. Today, some manufacturers make faux oriental rugs out of synthetic rayon and fake wool. Before buying a rug, be sure to do your homework to ensure that you are buying the real McCoy and not some cheap knock-off. A real oriental rug lasts a lifetime.
When finding oriental rugs for sale, also make sure to measure the room you want to put it in first. Decorating with oriental rugs can be fun and aesthetically pleasing, but it has to fit in the room in order to make it work!
Once you have your oriental rug, it’s important to take care of it to ensure that it maintains its integrity. Cleaning your oriental rug regularly will ensure that it stays clean free from potential threats such as moth larvae.
Good luck on your search for the perfect oriental rug, and congratulations in advance! You now have an heirloom that will last a lifetime and beyond. More.