Sometimes, going without something shoes you how much you really need it. If you’ve ever lived in a house with no garage, then you understand the need for one. It’s easy to take it for granted when you have a garage. Whether you have Amish built garages in your neighborhood or regular single garages, you need to think about what you have for a minute and really appreciate it. If you think that your garage is not a big deal, then here are some things you could do that would change your perspective.
Don’t Use it
Get everything out of it. Don’t park your car in there, don’t work in there, don’t store furniture in there, don’t store garden tools on the walls; nothing. Make it completely empty and go for two weeks without using it. Just two weeks. Don’t even step foot in there. Pretend that these gorgeous Amish built garages don’t even exist and then see how much you really need it. Who knows, maybe you really don’t need a garage but more often than not what you will find is how much you use and need your garage without even realizing it. Garages are one of those things that you just don’t really think about. It’s just there and it’s always been there. But, what if it wasn’t? Try it out and see what happens.
Clean it Out
It’s pretty typical for garages to be full of junk you don’t need along with spider, cobwebs, clutter and dirt. Find a couple of days and clear your calendar to clean it out. You’ll probably find all kinds of little gems that you forgot you had. Anything in there that you forgot about you probably don’t need and you’re sure to find plenty of items in good condition that you also won’t use. Challenge your neighbors to do the same and at the end of the cleaning period, you could open up your Amish built garages and advertise a garage sale to the public to get rid of those unused items. One man’s garage clutter is another man’s treasure!
Use it for the Car
This one’s genius. How many people actually use their garage to park their car in? Remember when you lived in that tiny apartment and all you want was a garage and more storage space? Well, chances are, you got your storage space in the form of Amish built garages, but you might still not have your garage to park your car in. After you clean out the garage, you will probably have space to finally park your car in there. What a wonderful and organized feeling that will be. Try it out and then stand and admire your clean, clutter free garage with your car right in the middle of it. Not only will it feel great but it will make your car last longer since it will be out of the way of the elements and will get less damaged.
Turn it into a Work Shop
If you have multiple garages or a very big garage and only one car or you prefer to park your car in the driveway, you might consider turning the garage into something more than extra storage space. If you have a husband that has different hobbies like wood work or leather work, you probably have little shavings all over your house that are incredibly irritating. Setting him up in a work shop in the garage will not only give him the space that he needs but it will give you the clean house that you want. It’s a great way to win both battles. If you don’t need a work shop then you could turn it in too a play area for the keys or maybe a sewing room for you. Regulating the temperature in the garage isn’t difficult if you know what you’re doing. Set up a fan or heaters in there, depending on the season and you’ll be good to go.
Having a good garage really is a blessing. It’s important to appreciate the things that we have no matter how minuscule they seem. It is these seemingly small blessings that will get you through the tough times in the future.