Are you planning to buy a new home? Are you also placing your home for sale? Whether either or both of these situations apply, you may be interested in some recent information on home sales, purchases, and more.
Locating Properties for Sale
Locating the right property can be challenging. A recent survey indicated that 52% of home buyers believed this was the most difficult part of the home-buying process.
Have you been looking online for properties? Zillow indicates that this is what 44% of home buyers do to locate houses for sale.
Even though a large number of home buyers will look at properties online, many recent buyers have chosen to work with a real estate agent. As a result, 78% of these individuals reported that their realtors were a source of helpful information. Since realtors are aware of the local market, it makes sense to ease the process with someone that is a knowledgeable resource.
What Home Buyers Want
Whether you’re planning to buy a new home, placing your home for sale, or both, you may be interested to know what home buyers want. A substantial number of people that are planning to purchase a house are first-time home buyers, according to Zillow They indicate that 32% of potential purchasers are in this category. When you’re placing your home for sale, this information can be helpful as first-time home buyers are new to this process.
Zillow also reports that 48% of prospective buyers are looking for newly-constructed, or new homes for sale. Since these homes won’t need renovating, this is a popular choice for individuals that want a move-in-ready home.
Single-family homes and townhouses are both popular. Zillow indicates that 83% of prospective buyers want single-family homes, however, Townhouses are at the top of the list for 20% of prospective buyers.
Home-Pricing and Selling Tips
Since your real estate agent knows the local housing market, they will be able to assist you with pricing your home for sale. If you haven’t already updated your landscaping, chances are that your realtor will encourage you to do so. In addition to enhancing your house’s curb appeal, this can also bring a solid return on your investment.
Even though your home may be worth more, HGTV.com recommends lowering the sales price. Once you determine what your home is worth, they specify reducing that price by 15% to 20%. This may assist you with selling your existing house faster so that you can move into your new home.
More Reasons Why You Should Work with a Realtor
Are you planning to purchase a house in your hometown or are you moving to a new community? While 63% of adults have changed communities at least once during their ives, 37% have remained in their hometowns.
If you’re relocating to an entirely new community, a realtor can make this process considerably easier. In addition to having updated listings, they will be able to provide you with information on your new community. This includes local sites of interest, shopping districts, and shopping areas.