Donate clothes

Do you want to give to charity believe that you are too poor or too busy to do it? Experts have good news. With some dedication and creativity, Americans from all different income levels and with all kinds of schedules can donate charities helping military families, veterans, or active military members.

One little girl shows American adults how it’s done. “Thanks for protecting our country. [You] must be very brave joining the military,” the girl’s letter to a soldier begins. “They say a man looks handsome in uniform. My favorite food is chicken wings, and I like to hang out with my friends.” For many young children, making a difference is as simple as writing a letter or sending a Christmas card to a U.S. soldier. How can America adults help our troops just as easily?

Pick Your Poison

A growing number of charities are teaming up with online networks to benefit Americans and our troops alike. These networks enable military families to list request for help. For example, military families can request help purchasing diapers or help with errands in or around the house, like mowing the lawn. Americans online and choose what works best for them. Babysitting, for instance, for a local military husband or wife is an inexpensive way to lend a hand. On the other hand, Americans busy schedule can choose to help purchase diapers or other requested items.

Donate Clothes Without Even Leaving Home

More charities pick up clothing donations directly from your home. In other words, families are able to gather clothing donations and donate them without leaving home, paying for gas, or making an extra trip.

You are not too poor or too busy to help U.S. troops and/or veterans. Give back in any way that you can, whether that means choosing how you will contribute or donating clothing directly from your home. Links like this.

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