Real estate for sale

“Look at all these houses for sale!”

As Bob and Betty cruised the winding roads of their neighborhood on the way to the beach, they began to realize that they needed a change. With their fellow Gen Xe-rs accounting for 27% of all new home sales, it was clear that now was a better time than any to consider what was in store for retirement.

“I think that buying a home is a good idea.” Betty mused. “There are lots of lake homes available, and I know how much you love the outdoors. That would be a great place for us to plan our retirement.”

“Maybe it is time to start planning our next steps.” Bob conceded, bristling. “Though I would rather just keep working.”

“I know, dear.” Betty cooed. “Lots of people don’t want to retire. But with people our age and older making up 13% of the population, it’s time to let some new talent take over.”

“I don’t know how old you are, but…” Bob joked.

But Betty is right. It’s more important than ever for Generation X to look out for their needs. Finding a new home to start their retirement is the first step towards the next long, happy chapter. The retirees that are the happiest participate in three to four activities regularly. Imagine how happy Betty and Bob would be if those activities were parasailing and sunbathing! They should scope out the houses for sale down by the water. The only problem is…

As they pulled up to the beach, Bob saw the crowded lot and threw up his hands.

“How about this, I’ll only agree to retire if we can find a place to park.”

“Oh Bob!”

See this link for more references.

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