Despite the fact that at least 20% of all Americans (that is one in five) are not happy with their home decor, many people do live with home furnishing that they no longer like. It has been estimated that a full 47% of all American homeowners have not done anything to update the look of their homes in at least five years. A full 9% have left their home decor stay the same for over a decade. One look that has experienced a renewed popularity is the Mid Century Modern style. Some people will opt for just one item such as a Mid Century Modern desk chair but others like to take the look a few steps further.
One worry that many homeowners have when the seek to bring this look into their homes is that the result will be to make their homes look like they are museums or the set of an old sit com. There are ways to get the look but still bring an updated version to your living space. Here are some ways to get the look but to make it your own.
- Keep the lines simple and clean. One feature of Mid Century Modern furniture is their simple and clean lines. This aspect of the look is what makes it so classic. This is also what will make it easy to incorporate the look into your home. By bringing a dining set with this look into your home, you can still keep your other decorations in that room without having everything clash.
- Focus on the details of the wood. One of the most recognizable features of furniture with the Mid Century Modern look is the quality of the wood finishes. While the pieces lack ornamentation, they are curved and tapered. Natural wood is a material that is timeless. Many Mid Century Modern pieces, such as Mid Century Modern desk chairs, are made from teak. Teak furniture will never go out of style.
- Get some art that is simplified. The art that was the most popular at the time that this style was developed was expressive, clean graphic art. The colors and shapes worked in every room of a home. One way to bring the look home is to get a framed, vintage poster.
- Get yourself some accessories from the time. It is easy to start bringing the Mid Century Modern style to your home is to get some vintage pieces to decorate your home. They can complement your current style and decor but add some flair and change up the room. Another way to go is to get yourself some simple orb vases or brass pieces from the time.
- Look at the texture and the pattern of the pieces that you buy. If you look at furniture from the time when this style was developed, you should notice the heavy importance put on textures and patterns. These were bold. Even adding a Mid Century Modern desk chair with a bold and retro pattern can bring the look of that era into your living space.
- Think about texture, texture, texture. In many styles, color trumps both pattern and texture but that is not the case when it comes to the Mid Century Modern style. Macrame wall hangings were all the rage at the time. Shag carpet hit the scene and made quite a splash. Furniture that was textured with rope was everywhere. Bringing any of these items into your home can bring back that era.
- Make everything your own. Whenever you bring new items into your home from a new living room furniture set to a dining room set, you need to do what you can to make it your own. Never be afraid to use paint to change the color of the pieces to make them fit in your home. In fact,
you can keep the look of the piece even when you update it to work better with your own personal style and the existing decor of your home. You need your living space to reflect your aesthetic.
From getting a Mid Century Modern desk chair to redoing a whole room or home, this is a classic style that can enhance your living space.