It’s an age old debate: City apartment, or countryside house? Some people split the difference and go for a city house, but discount that for the sake of this argument. Many times the decision is made for you depending on a job, family, or other outstanding factors. If given the choice though it’s almost always better to rent an apartment than buy a house. Here are three of the most basic reasons.
1.) Cost: In virtually every scenario renting an apartment will be cheaper than buying a house. Not just in the money that you spend up front on down payments either, although that’s certainly part of it. About 20% of home owners would have saved money renting according to one study done. Considering approximately one-third of buyers will move within five years before they can build real equity, they’re essentially giving free money to a bank. On top of all that, the majority of homeowners don’t even receive tax breaks for owning a house.
2.) Convenience: There is perhaps no great convenience than not having to worry about home maintenance. Apartment rental means you get to enjoy the space you live in every day without having to care for the million and one things that can go wrong. Cleaning gutters, broken locks, faulty bathroom pipes. These are all amenities included when you choose apartment living.
3.) Availability: One of the best things about city apartments is their availability. There are always people moving in and out which provides the opportunity to move with relative ease from one location to another, provided you fulfill the requirements of the lease you’re on. Besides that kind of availability, they also give you access to the luxuries of city life. You can’t walk out your front door and grab some food or catch a movie in most country towns. Basically anything you need is available a stones throw away.
If these three reasons don’t excite you to live in a city apartment, perhaps the hustle and bustle of the bright lights just aren’t for you. Don’t worry there’s plenty of space out in the country.