As many Americans know, there are many individuals in our country and all over the world who are in need: families living in poverty, homeless veterans, and other groups who live on low incomes or none at all. Fortunately, many Americans also donate to charity — as many as 70% of them each year, in fact. But just imagine what would happen if we all donated and how much more we could all do for helping families in need.
One very easy way to get involved in your community and to serve the world around you is to participate in local clothing donations in your area. By providing gently used clothing donations to the people in your community, you can help clothe them and even provide others with work. If you’re not sure why these donations are advantageous, take a look below.
1. They help clothe the needy. Local clothing donations often go directly to homeless and low income families, so they have protection from the elements. They also receive clothing for school, work, special occasions, and for other important reasons. Donated clothing helps others directly.
2. They are sold — with the profits going to those in need. Many times, charity clothing donations are so popular that the charity receives excess clothing. The clothing donations are then sold in thrift stores/charity shops, with the profits going to the needy.
3. They provide jobs for populations in need. Many of these thrift stores also employ those in need. Other charities pay them to work sorting clothing or soliciting for donations. By continuing to recycle clothing with charities, you can provide individuals in need with gainful employment, too, to help break the cycle of poverty and homelessness.
Want to know more about helping others in your area? Find out what sorts of local clothing donations are available in your community. You can also leave a comment with suggestions for easy ways to get involved in helping others. Find out more at this site.