Remember having to get up from the couch just to change the channel on your TV? Unless you were born before 1950, the answer is probably “no”. TV remote controls have existed since 1955, and we have never looked back from this lazy freedom. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and replacement TV remotes have existed for just as long due to an inexplicable tendency for just about everybody to lose their original remote control at some point. Today, there are about 335 million TV remotes clicking at any time, just waiting for that inevitable moment to sneak away and hide, never to be seen again.
Our Remote Dependency: America’s obsession with television is vociferous and steadfast. Over half of U.S. households have four or more devices in the living room alone that require a remote control. This creates a natural demand for remote controls, and unfortunately, every device seems to need its own unique remote. Programming a remote that is meant for universal use is a pain; you go to turn on the television and the ceiling fan starts going at full speed. Replacement TV remotes that are specific to your television are your best chance at an easy set-up without memorizing universal remote codes and switching back and forth between modes.
The Struggle of a Lost Remote: We’ve all done it. You check under the sofa cushions and, despite a nice haul of $1.25 in loose change, come up empty-handed. You look under the table, under the bed, in the den, and you just can’t find it. An hour later, you flip up the sofa cushion again in a rage and, alas, there is the original remote. Logitech recently released a study that revealed you have a 50% chance of finding your lost remote in a sofa cushion. Even weirder, about 4% of Americans find their lost remote in the fridge or freezer. When you aren’t lucky enough to find your remote in the couch or sitting next to the frozen peas, replacement TV remotes can save you a lot of time and stress.
The Solution: Replacement TV remotes, as well as other replacement remotes for all your devices, is a great investment to save time and money when you inevitably lose your original remote. Even if you eventually find it, it is always good to have a backup for when you lose it again. Universal remotes, or “all in one remote controls”, are just as easy to lose, much more expensive, and infinitely harder to set up.
The next time you lose your remote, take a deep breath and remember you are not alone. Instead of fumbling around with a universal remote, just spend half as much on an original replacement TV remote, kick back and watch your shows carefree and confident that you control your TV destiny.