Everyone who has lived in a residence has at some point thought “I just wish I had a maid service!” Then maid service prices usually provoke the voice of reason. But maid cleaning service do not necessarily have to cost an arm and a leg.
From the early 19th-early 20th century, maids composed the second largest work force in the United Kingdom. They have always been expected to perform such domestic chores as cooking, ironing, cleaning the house and taking care of children. And the word “maid” is derived from the word “maiden”, meaning “virgin” because they were expected to remain unmarried while in service during Victorian Era England.
Maids by definition area actually a part of very rare profession. Cleaning home services are not only much more affordable to home and business owners, they actually employ what are defined as periodic cleaners. Periodically clean customers’ homes and offices, these cleaners ensure healthy homes and offices, a crucial space to keep clean and disinfected as they are a virtual petri dish and top source of illness.
Keyboards harbor 200 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat, which may contribute to an estimated 60% sick days due to bacteria/viruses contracted in the office. And when business owners may consider all the time lost to labor hours, maid service prices probably pale in comparison.
With only 30% of office workers disclosing they regularly clean their desk, computer, or phone to avoid contracting illnesses due to germs, a neatly corresponding 71% believe their office is dirty enough to make them ill. Maid services can subsequently not only straighten and tidy your office space, but they can actually drive production and up your bottom line. And with an estimated 183,400 people expected to join a home cleaning company by 2022, maid service prices are driven down with increased competition.