Will you be caring for your parents as they age? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of families handle elder care for their older relatives, including Mom and Dad. However, the type of care that seniors often require can be time-consuming for working adults who have children. In order to make the best of the situation for yourself and your loved ones, use these tips on caring for your parents in their golden years.
1. Get Medical Appointments in Order. As we age, we tend to have more ailments than we did when we were younger. The same will be true for your parents in their senior years. Make sure they see their doctors regularly for check-ups, and get an appointment for them at the first sign of illness. Preventative care is often the best method for staying healthier longer. Also, if you know that your parents are having trouble driving, make sure that you can take them to their appointments or arrange for a reliable service to pick them up and take them home.
2. Help with Daily Activities. Senior citizens often need assistance with daily responsibilities. These tasks can include anything from dressing and bathing to eating and taking medication. Even household chores like cleaning, gardening, and cooking can become far more difficult than they used to be for those who have aged. Seniors living in assisted living homes often need help with at least three of these tasks, especially for the majority of residents who are over the age of 85. Find out if your parents need help with any tasks; you or another family member may be able to help, or you can hire someone to assist your them.
3. Have Mom and Dad Get Out of the House Every Now and Then. It can be easy for seniors to want to stay in more as they age. However, a lack of physical activity can be detrimental to one’s health at any age. Even if your parents have mobility issues, make sure that they go out to socialize every once in a while. Help your parents visit friends, take them to lunch, or just go for a walk. These activities can help contribute to Mom and Dad’s overall health and well-being.
4. Look Into Senior Care Options. If you and your parents are struggling to get through each day with your own limited resources, or if your parents have chronic health problems, then moving Mom and Dad into a senior living community may be the answer. These communities can help with daily tasks, give seniors immediate medical attention if needed, and provide plenty of opportunities for socializing and fun activities.
Are you caring for your parents or other loved ones? Tell us about what you do for them in the comments section. More on this topic: seniorlivinghomeguide.org