Homelessness in the United States may seem at times like a negligible problem. However, the figures tell a different story. As reported by a 2013 study from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, there are more than 600,000 homeless people in the country; people of every race, creed, ethnicity, gender, age, and faith. Of the 600,000, nearly 25% are children and nearly 15% live together as families. For a country that is the richest in the world, the U.S. has a heartbreaking and rampant homelessness problem.
Despite the enormity of the problem, there are many people and organizations dedicated in fighting homelessness. One way the average citizen can help is by donating clothes to charity. Charitable donations of lightly used clothing can make a palpable difference to the thousands of men, women, and children out on the streets. Most of us own clothing we no longer wear. Donating clothing for a donation pickup or otherwise will truly help the less fortunate. Make sure that the clothing is washed, lightly worn, and checked for stains and tears. By washing and checking the condition of your donation, you can contribute to the nationwide effort composed of like-minded citizens in helping families in need when they need it most.
Whether it be a pair of used jeans or a wardrobe that can clad a person for a whole week, a donation pickup and its variants can — nay, will — make a difference to those who depend on the kindness of strangers. There are a variety of charity and non-profit organizations across the country that accept used clothing. There are even special charities willing to pick your donations up from your house’s curbside!
However you choose to donate, please consider giving something of your own today. The 600,000 poor souls need your help, and nearly all of them would help you in your time of need. Continue reading here.