The difference between the haves and the have nots in our country seems to be growing. And while the size of this problem may seem like something we have not seen before, the fact of the matter is that the distinction between those who have much and those who have little has always been a situation to consider.
Luck is not chance by the poet Emily Dickinson and the Fortune Magazine June 2017 article highlighting NASA’s announcement of a new class of astronauts raise the question of luck and how it applies to the lives we lead. Although Dickinson seems to be battling with the ideas that there is or is not only luck, only toil, the U.S. public cannot help but wonder about the amount of both luck and work that go into the selection process. The fact that only 12 people are selected from a pool of more than 18,00 for these coveted spots means that those chosen will most certainly speak of both their luck and fortune rewarding them for their toil.
In a time when the hard work of some is rewarded and the hard work of others seems to fall flat, many of those most fortunate find themselves looking for ways to help those who, indeed, seem to be down on their luck. From tornadoes to floods, from unemployment to disability, the misfortune that befalls some is not easy to overcome without the help of organizations like the Red Cross. In fact, through the efforts of Red Cross clothing pickup services and other various means of collection, the fortune of some is more easily distributed to those who are down on their luck for any of a number of reasons.
If you are looking for a way to share your wealth with those less fortunate, consider these options provided by Red Cross clothing pickup services:
- Statistics indicate that 70% of people in the U.S. give to charity each year.
- Having a collection center for clothing donations makes it easier for the general public to make a difference.
- Approximately 3% of American income is given to charities every year.
- Research from January of 2015 indicate that 564,708 people were homeless on any given night in the U.S.
- In an effort to make it easier to donate clothing, Red Cross clothing pickup services operate in most large metropolitan areas.
- Nearly 63% of high net worth donors indicate that ?giving back to the community? as their main chief motivation for giving.
- Giving to Red Cross donation centers is a way to make sure that your resources are efficiently distributed to those who are most in need.
- Yearly, Americans throw away an average of 10 pounds of clothing per person, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
- One group, GreenDrop, now has approximately 30 mobile trailers and free-standing locations that collect an average of 100 tons of donations each week.
- Usually 15% of the homeless population, which is documented at 83,170, are considered “chronically homeless? individuals.
- Reports from In 2015 indicate that charity proceeds from the sale of donated goods to thrift stores exceeded $2.5 million, money that is used to support charitable programs both across the nation and local.
- Giving used clothing donations to families in need allows parents a way to provide much needed resources to their children.
- One set of statistics indicates that Americans consume nearly 20 billion garments a year. That breaks down into 68 garments and 7 pairs of shoes a person, or more than one piece of clothing purchased every single week.
- Once a month Red Cross Clothing pickup services provide many Americans a way to get in the habit of giving their gently worn items to those who are most in need.
- Donations to your selected charity are tax deductible for the value of the items you donate.
- Finding a way to contribute to those in need can make everyone feel like they have the power to make a difference.
- Ongoing donation collections help organizations like the Red Cross provide assistance to those in need every hour and every day of the year.
- Ready to give?
- The decision to save and not through out extra clothing helps those in need.
- Used clothing donations benefit those who are less fortunate.
- Now is the time to make a difference.
- Estimates show $666.1 billion is contributed to the economy by non-profits.