Purchasing any piece of used or refurbished equipment is a great way to lower the price tag, but that doesn’t mean buyers need to be less wary when shopping around, especially for items like refurbished golf carts.
Though an untrained eye might see a pre-owned golf cart and think nothing of it, you should be training your eye to look at these five things before you make any sort of purchase.
Before you look at anything else, you should look at the tires. If the wheel wells themselves are damaged, then you’re going to have issues. However, if it’s simply an issue of worn down treads, keep in mind that tires can be replaced for as little as $90.
The canopy is one of the most important parts of all golf carts. You should be checking both the canopy itself and the frame for damage or bending. If there’s significant damage, the purchase may not be worth it.
The body of a golf cart is important from bot ha structural and a cosmetic standpoint. If there’s damage to the paint, then it can be easily remedied. However, if there are dents or other signs of structural damage, the golf cart isn’t the one for you.
Most golf carts run electrically, so while you’re speaking with golf carts dealers, you should always make sure to complete a thorough check and see what the dealer has to say. After all, a dead battery means a dead golf cart!
Ensure a Good Price
Above all else, you should make sure you’re getting what you paid for. If there’s damage that needs to be repaired, take that into account and set your price range from there. Before you go to the dealer, do some research on your own as well. IF you can learn how to accurately price the golf cart you’re looking for, you should be able to complete any purchase with ease.
Refurbished golf carts are a great way to get around small towns, or even large properties. You could purchase a brand new golf cart, but a refurbished cart is certain to be worth your money, and a better price.