LED light strings have become a revolutionary new way to bring light all throughout one’s home. The versatile lights can be strung just about anywhere, and knowing how to do it properly can help your home shine. A DMX LED controller makes the process of controlling the lights simpler.

Before you begin, make sure you have a wire stripper, a flat-head screwdriver, wire cutters, and an LED light strip with multiple colors of wires. There should be red, green, white, and blue wire in order to properly connect it to the DMX controller.

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Start by using the wire cutters on the different colored cables. The more room you leave yourself with the cables, the better as they will have to attach to the controller. Then use the wire stripper to strip the coating off of the tips of the different colored wires. The exposed wire may be slightly frayed, so it is best to twist the wire.

When connecting the cables, you will see a point on the control the says comm, short for communication. This is where the white wire will go. The other wires should fit into the R, G, and B sections of the box. If too much exposed with is showing, it may be best to shorten it a bit more.

For additional information on DMX LED controller creation, please review the attached video.


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