My Newborn Just Won’t Fall Asleep Do I Need To Talk To A Baby Sleep Training Professional?

You’ve prepared extensively to become a new mother. You’ve studied up on baby’s psychology and physical wellness. You’ve bought all the tools you need to create the perfect baby room.

There’s just the tiny problem of getting your little one to fall asleep. This is a frustrating issue that plagues most new parents, even today with so many resources at their fingertips. Why does your baby keep squalling in the middle of the night? Why do they seem to get more clingy during some days and not others? When you’re ready to pull your hair out from the exhaustion, baby sleep training can provide you a light at the end of the tunnel.

We all need good sleep. Baby sleep coaching will teach you and your little one some important skills to ensure every night is peaceful.

Basic Facts About Newborn Baby Needs

Your newborn has a lot of daily needs. Attending to them properly is the delicate balancing act all new mothers have to learn. Your newborn baby needs to eat every two to three hours to build up their growing strength, as well as teaching them a structured schedule. In their first two months of life babies are unable to differentiate between day and night. This is known as the circadian rhythm, a useful internal clock that helps keep us balanced.

The Necessity Of A Well-Constructed Crib

Before you look into baby sleep training, constructing a good crib will help keep your baby comfortable. It’s highly recommended you invest in waterproof crib sheets to make messes easier to clean up. A high thread count will also keep from irritating your baby’s skin, which is extremely delicate and prone to rashes. Make sure the crib is in a well-ventilated room that’s free of harsh chemicals, too, and regularly check for insects. Your baby sleep training coach can offer you a second eye to make sure all these details are in place.

Learning About A Proper Bedtime Routine

It’s easy to take a bedtime routine for granted. You’re just so busy and have so much to do! Babies learn everything from their parents, however, and your baby sleep coach will stress the importance of a solid sleep schedule. By the time your baby is between six to 12 months they will nap twice a day on average. These naps often last between one to two hours at a time, perfectly healthy for their still-growing body — a study by recommends establishing a bedtime routine once they hit two months of age.

Making Sure You Get Enough Sleep Throughout The Week

It’s not enough to teach your baby to sleep. You also need to learn how to go to bed on time so you can stay healthy and happy. A common rule-of-thumb for adults is to get a consistent eight hours of sleep per night, though nine hours can prove beneficial if you’re particularly fatigued. Napping should be kept to a minimum, as that can easily ruin your sleep schedule and keep you up all night. Make sure to turn your phone off before bed and to avoid midnight snacks for maximum effect.

Reaching Out To A Baby Sleep Trainer For Help

When push comes to shove, asking for help can give you a way out of these seemingly impossible times. They will provide you a professional eye on the art of sleep and help you learn how to adjust to your newborn’s needs. Baby sleep coaching is becoming a coveted choice among many new mothers who need extra guidance. They will walk you through the step-by-step process of feeding, napping, and sleeping, answering any questions you have on the way. Make sure to record your baby’s current schedule beforehand so they can rule out other issues, such as colic.

It’s tough being a new mother. Baby sleep training, however, will give you a reliable foundation to rest on at the end of the day.