If you own your own home, roof maintenance is something you have to think about on a regular basis. It is not the most exciting part of owning a home but it is really important to keeping your investment in the condition you want it to be in. Your roof one of the most important parts of your home’s construction so you want to keep it in the best condition you can. Here are some tips to keep your roof in the best condition possible. This can also extend the life of your roof.
- Check your roof regularly. One of the best things you can do for your roof is to inspect it often. Each spring, you should check it over for any damage done over the winter from ice and snow. In the autumn, you should check it over to make sure your gutters are clean and clear of leaves and other debris.
- Check your roof after storms. The weather often wrecks havoc on roofs. Roof repairs for wind damage can be cost about $5,757 to fix but can get as high as $10,000. Metal roofs can withstand wind better than other kinds so if you live in an area with a lot of strong wind, when you are having a construction company build your home, you may want to consider a metal roof.
- Check and clean out your gutters. Your gutters and downspouts are very important for ushering water away from your home and foundation. At the end of the fall you should go around and make sure the gutters and downspouts are not clogged with leaves or twigs. If there are gaps or breaks in the seams, this is a home repair that should be tended to as soon as possible. The gutters need to be securely fastened to the home. When gutters are clogged, they can cause a lot of damage to your roof and your foundation. The resulting water damage can cost you nearly $3,000 to fix.
- Inspect your flashing. This is another area that can be prone to cause leaks. It typically covers a hole in the roof and if it is not kept in the best condition possible, water will find a way to get through it and into your home. Make sure you look at the flashing around chimneys, exhaust pipes and vents. If there are any areas where it is punctured or bent. You should also make sure it is not lose or dried out. Talk to a roofing contractor if you have any questions.
- Prune your trees. Trees that have limbs that hang over the roof can be a problem. If your trees are too close to your home, they can cause a lot of damage to your roof. Make sure you have the tree limbs pruned so that they cannot be blown onto the roof during a storm. They can also cause a lot of damage to your shingles if they rest on them. If you have a new installation of roofing done, during that construction you should make sure they let you know if your trees may be a problem.
- Check your roof for damage done by animals. Raccoons, squirrels and birds all want into your roof. Whenever residential construction experts look at a home that has not been lived in or checked for a while, they find evidence of animals. You can hardly blame them. It can be cold outside and your roof may offer a nice space for them to get warm. They will exploit existing damage to get in and then create their own problems once they are inside.
- Insects also want in. Your wood house is nothing but a giant, all you can eat buffet restaurant to a termite. When you check your roof and attic, look for evidence of termites and/or carpenter ants. You should check around your foundation as well. You are more likely to find evidence of any insect infestation there rather than in your attic or roof.
Your roof needs your attention more than you probably would like. The good news is that the care you take paying attention to it can extend its lifespan.andnbsp;